NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.Core Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
ApplicationInvoker Provides methods for invoking an application.
BaseTask Defines the base class for implementations of an MsBuild task.
CommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that invoke a command line tool.
ErrorInformation Provides the error IDs known in nBuildKit and methods to map error IDs to error codes.
EscapingUtilities This class implements static methods to assist with unescaping of %XX codes in the MSBuild file format.
FxCopCommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that work with the FxCop command line tool.
GitCommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that work with the GIT command line tool.
MsBuildCommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that invoke MsBuild in a separate process.
MsBuildLogger Defines an Nuclei.Diagnostics.Logging.ILogger which writes to the MsBuild logger.
NuGetCommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that work with the NuGet command line tool.
PowershellCommandLineToolTask Defines the base class for ITask classes that invoke Powershell.
PropertyParser Defines helper methods for parsing properties from strings.
TaskItemExtensions Defines extension methods for the ITaskItem instances.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IApplicationInvoker Defines the interface for objects that invoke executable applications.
