NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.VersionControl Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
ExtractIssueIdsFromGitCommitMessages Defines a ITask that extracts the issue numbers from all the commits that have not been merged to the MergeTargetBranch. Issue IDs are parsed using the IssueIdRegex or the default regex of '(?:#)(\d+)' if no regular expression is specified.
GetVcsInfoFromFile Defines a ITask that extracts version control information from a file written.
GitAdd Defines a ITask that performs a Git add.
GitCheckout Defines a ITask that performs a Git checkout.
GitClone Defines a ITask that performs a Git clone.
GitCommit Defines a ITask that performs a Git commit.
GitCurrentBranch Defines a ITask that performs a Git query to find the current branch of the workspace.
GitCurrentRevision Defines a ITask that performs a Git query to find the current revision of the workspace.
GitMerge Defines a ITask that performs a Git merge.
GitNewFiles Defines a ITask that performs a Git query to find all new files.
GitPush Defines a ITask that performs a Git push.
GitReset Defines a ITask that performs a Git reset.