InvokeStandaloneMsBuild Class


Defines a ITask that invokes MsBuild in a separate process.
graph TD Base0["MsBuildCommandLineToolTask"]-->Type click Base0 "/nBuildKit.MsBuild/api/NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.Core/MsBuildCommandLineToolTask" Base1["CommandLineToolTask"]-->Base0 click Base1 "/nBuildKit.MsBuild/api/NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.Core/CommandLineToolTask" Base2["BaseTask"]-->Base1 click Base2 "/nBuildKit.MsBuild/api/NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.Core/BaseTask" Base3["Task"]-->Base2 Type["InvokeStandaloneMsBuild"] class Type type-node


public sealed class InvokeStandaloneMsBuild : MsBuildCommandLineToolTask


Name Summary
InvokeStandaloneMsBuild() Initializes a new instance of the InvokeStandaloneMsBuild class.
InvokeStandaloneMsBuild(IApplicationInvoker) Initializes a new instance of the InvokeStandaloneMsBuild class.


Name Value Summary
DefaultDataHandler DataReceivedEventHandler
Gets the event handler that processes data from the data stream, or standard output stream, of the command line application.By default logs a message for each output.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
DefaultErrorHandler DataReceivedEventHandler
Gets the event handler that processes data from the data stream, or standard output stream, of the command line application.By default logs a message for each output.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
ErrorInformation ITaskItem[]
Gets or sets the collection containing the error codes for the task.
Inherited from BaseTask
LogEnvironmentVariables bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the environment variables for the process should be logged.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
Projects ITaskItem[]
Gets or sets the full paths to the MsBuild scripts, Visual Studio solutions or Visual Studio project files that should be executed.
Properties ITaskItem[]
Gets or sets the additional MsBuild properties
RunEachTargetSeparately bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the MSBuild task should invokes each target in the list passed to MSBuild one at a time, instead of at the same time. Setting this parameter to true guarantees that subsequent targets are invoked even if previously invoked targets failed. Otherwise, a build error would stop invocation of all subsequent targets. Default is false.
ShowDetailedSummary bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the detailed summary should be displayed or not.
SkipNonexistentProjects bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not missing projects should be skipped. If missing projects are not skipped an error will be raised for each missing project. Default is false.
StopOnFirstFailure bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the process should stop on the first error or continue. Default is false.
TargetOutputs ITaskItem[]
Gets or sets the outputs of the built targets from all the project files. Only the outputs from the targets that were specified are returned, not any outputs that may exist on targets that those targets depend on. The TargetOutputs parameter also contains the following metadata: - MSBuildSourceProjectFile: The MSBuild project file that contains the target that set the outputs. - MSBuildSourceTargetName: The target that set the outputs. Note: If you want to identify the outputs from each project file or target separately, run the MSBuild task separately for each project file or target.If you run the MSBuild task only once to build all the project files, the outputs of all the targets are collected into one array.
Targets string
Gets or sets a semi-colon separated list of targets that should be used.
TemporaryDirectory ITaskItem
Gets or sets the full path to a directory into which temporary files may be created.
ToolsVersion string
Gets or sets the version of MsBuild and the build tools that should be used.
WorkingDirectory ITaskItem
Gets or sets the full path to the working directory.


Name Value Summary
ErrorCodeById(string) string
Returns the error code for the given ID.
Inherited from BaseTask
Execute() bool
GetAbsolutePath(ITaskItem) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
GetAbsolutePath(ITaskItem, ITaskItem) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
GetAbsolutePath(string) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
GetFullToolPath(ITaskItem) string
Returns the most complete path for the given executable tool. May return just the name of the tool if the tool path is found via the PATH environment variable.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
GetFullToolPath(string) string
Returns the most complete path for the given executable tool. May return just the name of the tool if the tool path is found via the PATH environment variable.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
InvokeCommandLineTool(ITaskItem, IEnumerable<string>, ITaskItem, DataReceivedEventHandler, DataReceivedEventHandler) int
Invokes the command line tool at the given path with the given arguments.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
InvokeCommandLineTool(string, IEnumerable<string>, string, DataReceivedEventHandler, DataReceivedEventHandler) int
Invokes the command line tool at the given path with the given arguments.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
InvokeMsBuild(IEnumerable<string>) int
Invokes MsBuild with the given additional arguments.
UpdateEnvironmentVariables(StringDictionary) void
Updates the environment variables for the application prior to execution.
Inherited from CommandLineToolTask
VerbosityForCurrentMsBuildInstance() string
Gets the verbosity that the current MsBuild instance is running at.
Inherited from BaseTask