GetSemanticVersionFromFile Class


Defines a ITask that extracts version numbers from a version file written by the CalculateSemanticVersionWithGitVersion task.
Base Types
graph TD Base0["BaseTask"]-->Type click Base0 "/nBuildKit.MsBuild/api/NBuildKit.MsBuild.Tasks.Core/BaseTask" Base1["Task"]-->Base0 Type["GetSemanticVersionFromFile"] class Type type-node


public sealed class GetSemanticVersionFromFile : BaseTask


Name Value Summary
ErrorInformation ITaskItem[]
Gets or sets the collection containing the error codes for the task.
Inherited from BaseTask
VersionBuild int
Gets or sets the build number of the version.
VersionBuildNext int
Gets or sets the next build number relative to the current VersionBuild.
VersionFile ITaskItem
Gets or sets the full path to the file that contains the version information.
VersionMajor int
Gets or sets the major number of the version.
VersionMajorNext int
Gets or sets the next major number relative to the current VersionMajor.
VersionMinor int
Gets or sets the minor number of the version.
VersionMinorNext int
Gets or sets the next minor number relative to the current VersionMinor.
VersionPatch int
Gets or sets the patch number of the version.
VersionPatchNext int
Gets or sets the next patch number relative to the current VersionPatch.
VersionPrerelease string
Gets or sets the prerelease information of the semantic version.
VersionSemantic string
Gets or sets the semantic version.
VersionSemanticFull string
Gets or sets the complete semantic version, including the prerelease information.
VersionSemanticNuGet string
Gets or sets the complete semantic version following the NuGet specification.


Name Value Summary
ErrorCodeById(string) string
Returns the error code for the given ID.
Inherited from BaseTask
Execute() bool
GetAbsolutePath(ITaskItem) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
GetAbsolutePath(ITaskItem, ITaskItem) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
GetAbsolutePath(string) string
Returns the absolute path for the given path item.
Inherited from BaseTask
VerbosityForCurrentMsBuildInstance() string
Gets the verbosity that the current MsBuild instance is running at.
Inherited from BaseTask